Sunday, February 22, 2009

Journal for Kimberly's Birthday

It was my daughter's birthday February 13th. I won't tell you how old she is that is up to her. I recently got a piece of tooled leather from my Mom. When I was a kid my Dad and I would sit for hours and make amazing designs on leather. He was so great! When Kim saw the piece my Dad did, before it was a journal, that is, she got so excited and wanted to learn how to tool leather. SO, when it was her birthday I made this journal for her to keep all of her creative ideas in. The front piece on the journal is one that my father tooled back in the late 60's.I glued it on an old leather book cover and then created this jouranl for her. She now has a set of tools and other things to start her process in learning. She is now on her way to buy a desk to set up as a space to make her leather goods on. She is talking about making dog collars and leashes and such. Kim has a bulldog puppy, Monty,and he will be her inspiration I am sure.

Jewelry Zine

I was lucky enough to be asked by my ART BUDDIE Catherine Witherall to contribute to a Jewelry Zine she and Deryn Mentock were putting together. I remember when I got the email from her asking me, I emailed back and said "Who me? Are you sure?" She said "YES you silly!" After much trepidation and then much encouragement from Catherine I did a page. Friday I got the zine in the mail and WOW it is totally amazing. To read more about it you can go to her blog She has lots of cool stuff there! My page is a wearable doll pin called, "Wee Muse Messengers", you can make for yourself. The Zine's are a limited edition and let me tell you again, it is amazing and beautiful. I am honored to be in such great company of artists in the Zine. Thank you Catherine, You are so supportive and believe so strongly in the collaboration of artists that you put so much into this project and it shows! You sure are great at spreading JOY!

Wow Time Flies!
Here is a pendant I have made for a round robin from the Charmsters Yahoo group(one group of MANY, I must add!) I belong to. The idea was that we had to create a center piece with any theme we wanted and put it on a chain (which I also made),and we had to include a mailing box and a book. I went a little nuts and made a padded fiber holder to go with it as well. In any case, the theme of my pendant is "Always Make Time for Art!" It is an old watch that the parts are loose in and has a broken watch face in it, as well as some other collage emements. It is hanging from a key and those of you who know me, know that if I am not making art I am not in balance, therefore, the key to my balance is ART and more ART and then even MORE! Hanging from the watch is a colored pencil, a pen point, and an artist with a heart line. Off it went to NY and then on to 8 other amazing women who will add to it. I will post a photo when it comes back to me.